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Statement of Faith

Our statement of faith is a list of our beliefs that we stand and believe on. Our statement of faith is based on the word of God and not off of our man made thoughts. It is because of this that it makes it easy to live by this statement. We don't live off of man made doctrine but off of revelation given by the Holy Spirit.


We believe that the scriptures of the Holy Bible are inerrant and divinely inspired by God.

We believe in the one true God, The Triune (three in one) being manifested as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are co-equal and co-eternal.

We believe in the virgin birth, the sinless perfection, the bodily resurrection and ascension into Heaven of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Man was created in the image of God and disobeyed God, which is sin. Sin separated man from God and man can only be reconciled to God by believing in Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day and all those who believe in Him shall be saved.

We believe the Church is composed of an elect body of Believers empowered by God the Holy Spirit,with the mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world.

We believe that there are only two ordinances that are prescribed to the church, which are Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells seals and gives spiritual gifts to every Believer; and that it guides, fills, teaches, illuminates and enables every Believer to do the will of God while trusting and obeying the Spirit.

We believe that Prayer is essential and prevalent in the Believers life.

We believe in giving, which includes 10% of our earnings, in addition to offerings, sharing our time and talent for the up building of the Kingdom of God.

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